YOU are invited to join us for our 40 Day Personal Transformation!
This program, created by Dimitra Kotanides, is a compilation of her favorite tools. Based on a simple, yet powerful philosophy that brings your yoga practice and your everyday life together, nourishing you from the inside out. We will inspire you to transform your body and mind. Experience your true self by diving deeper within.
Forget about calorie counting, browsing the internet for the latest weight loss fix, stop complaining to friends – it’s time to take action. Eliminate reliance on external quick fixes and put in the work to make it happen NOW with the support of our Dimitra Yoga community. There is only one thing required to change your life, willingness.
Why 40 days? Yogic science confirms that it takes 40 days to fully develop a new life-promoting habit or to drop a current destructive habit. In 40 days, you can create a whole new way of being.
This program will begin on Friday, January 5 and conclude on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
Why 40 days?
Yogic science confirms that it takes 40 days to fully develop a new life-promoting habit or to drop a current destructive habit. In 40 days, you can create a whole new way of being. Our 40 days begin January 6th and end on February 14th, 2023.
Your commitment:
- Yoga
You will practice yoga 5 days a week during the 40 Days. We offer 2-3 classes everyday and you can choose to take class In Person or Online (via Zoom). You can take a variety of classes (Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin) and mix it up! Use the 6th day to try something new… a dance class, running or enjoy a walk on the beach. Take the 7th day each week to rest. - Meditation
You will meditate once a day during the 40 Days. You will be supported fully through this process, and be given effective tools to find ease in your meditation practice and make it work for YOU. - Food Cleanse
Clean eating (an anti-inflammatory diet, following Dr. Junger’s advice – elimination of caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar). In addition to mindful eating throughout the whole program, you can also choose to participate in an optional (1-3 day) juice cleanse to detox and purify your system. - Optional Daily Plank Challenge
You will receive a daily update on the facebook page, including your plank challenge for the day… working up to a 5 minute plank! Sounds wild, but it’s possible and our past participants have surprised themselves with their ability to accomplish this. - Weekly Meetings
We think it’s important for you to feel the community that is in this with you. Dimitra will host a 40 minute meeting on Fridays (1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9) at 8:00am for 40 Days participants online (via Zoom). You’ll receive guidance, she will answer questions, we will discuss how we are doing with the program and share recipes/tips with one another. You will hear helpful strategies and motivating advice that helps you through the week.All meetings will be held online (via Zoom) – so you can participate from anywhere! Perhaps you have a neighbor, friend or family member who wants to enroll also so you can do it together (memberships may not be shared). If the meeting time doesn’t work into your schedule, you can still participate because everyone will receive a recording of the meeting so you can watch it when you have time that day!
Participation Options:
When booking, select the appropriate membership level to reserve your spot.
- Annual & Auto Draft Unlimited Members: $79 (Current Annual and Auto Draft – Monthly Unlimited members)
- Class Package and New Members: $179 (Current 5/10 Class, One Month, Intro Month and New members.)
NOTE this option includes unlimited yoga (1/5 – 2/13) for the 40 day period (a $249 value!), your current package will be put on hold.
Your Investment includes:
- 40 days of unlimited yoga
- Food list
- Shopping list
- Recipes
- Private facebook group (our only way to share information!)
- Weekly meetings